Make sure you have understood the topic and its subject quite well. This way you will be better
able to concentrate on the ideas, also the words, which are supposed to be developed in your
piece of writing. Without finding the major focus of topic, you might find your writing off
topic half way through your work.
Highlight the key words or special features:
Circle the major words or features of the topic in order to have them in the center of attention.
In addition, pay attention to the number of questions and features the topic has. This helps you
determine how to group your ideas also which and how many questions you have to answer to have a
good and complete piece of writing.
Practice finding key features of topics during your practice time:
This enables you to recognize topics and to classify their types in your mind more quickly.
The closer you get familiar with their types and key features, the more adequately and quickly
you will address them on the exam day.