After reading each criterion, click on tick

  • bulb The tone of your writing is important:

    The tone of writing in Academic Module is more formal than General Module. For a more formal tone, try to use certain academic words For instance:
    Terminate this activity”
    instead of expressions For instance:
    Nip this activity in the bud
    or phrasal verbs For instance:
    Break off this activity”
    which are mostly considered informal and suitable for speaking. It, however, should be noted that use of very formal words - literal words -and equally technical ones are as well regarded unacceptable in this test.

  • bulb Pay attention to the types of word choice:

    This is synonymous with a series of academic word choices which sound more formal than those designed for conversation only. Keep in mind you may use them as long as you are certain of not making any grammatical and lexical mistakes. Looking for a score range up to six, you should not keep to this too much; however, if you are aiming for a higher score, optimum use of formal – academic - word choices, as follows, can be recommended.

    Neutral Word Choice Formal Word Choice
    Agree with
    I agree with this opinion because ...
    Subscribe to
    I subscribe to this opinion because ...
    This medication will just make the symptoms bearable, but not cured.
    This medication will solely make the symptoms bearable, but not cured.
    Cause (verb) X
    International support has caused a new optimism in the country.
    Give rise to (verb) X
    International support has given rise to a new optimism in the country.
    Face (verb)
    I faced a lot of problems while doing this job.
    I encountered a lot of problems while doing this job.
    Necessary (for)
    This chapter is necessary for achieving a high score in your test.
    Fundamental (to)
    This chapter is fundamental to achieving a high score in your test.
    Most tasks failed, so we decided to change our plans.
    Most of tasks failed, hence we decided to change our plans.
    I had enough energy to do the task.
    I had sufficient energy to do the task.
    Help (verb)
    She helped me a lot improve my English.
    Assist (in)
    She assisted me a lot in improving my English.
    This course I studied was quite interesting.
    This course I studied was quite appealing.
  • bulb Avoid repetition as much as possible:

    In order to give your piece of writing a professional and varied look, you have to avoid repeating the words as much as possible with the help of putting to use some other common It should be common, not old-fashioned. synonyms Air pollution in big cities is one of the concerns of today’s life.

    This impure air has caused a lot of diseases.”
    In the next sentence, it can be written like this
    , other parts of speech of that phrase Air pollution in big cities is one of the concerns of today’s life.

    This polluted air has caused a lot of diseases.”
    In the next sentence, it can be written like this
    – an adjective, a noun, a verb –, metaphors Air pollution in big cities is one of the concerns of today’s life.

    This environmental damage has caused a lot of diseases.”
    In the next sentence, it can be written like this
    and some pronouns. Air pollution in big cities is one of the concerns of today’s life.

    This has caused a lot of diseases.”
    In the next sentence, it can be written like this

  • bulb Sentences using “Nouns” show greater proficiency, as opposed to sentences using “Verbs” or “Adjectives”:

    In general, sentences Verb + Adjective + Noun: “This course offers great help in upgrading your writing skill.” with a noun or noun phrase, combined with an adjective and a verb , are more professional than the sentences written by an adjective Adjective: “This course is helpful in upgrading your writing skill.” or a verb Verb: “This course helps a lot in upgrading your writing skill.” only. Although the word and meaning are the same, it displays greater knowledge of writer also gives a more professional look to a writing. The use of adverbs should as well be sporadic in any writing for such a purpose .

  • bulb Misspelling in any writing costs writer dearly:

    More important than the word choice is the spelling of that word choice; it is far better to use a very simple word choice with a correct dictation rather than a very advanced word choice with an incorrect dictation. The test is not the best place to use the very words learnt a night before or words whose use and spelling are not checked during the practice time. Always make sure the word is correct in terms of spelling “Marring a person with a different culture can break the issentional bound between the families.”

    “Marring a person with a different culture can break the necessary relationship between the families.”
    The words were “essential” and “bond” which were misspelled
    and context. “Officials have to proffer help to ease this problem.”

    “Officials have to offer help to ease this problem.”
    The word choice does not sit with the context

  • bulb Classify the words on different subjects during your practice time:

    One good way to use words is classifying a number of them together with their use on different subjects in mind while practicing. Since subjects are mostly repeated in both tasks of IELTS writing section, having a knowledge of certain words would contribute to development of a nice piece of writing in the end.