
"While the other paragraphs are written sentence by sentence, there are some words (expressions) which are wrong They are shown in red color. because they have some sort of grammatical mistakes, or an unfavorably different meaning or even tone."

Now can you spot these incorrect words and just select the most suitable (correct) choice in each sentence?


One noticeable feature is the number of complaints made about 'Factories', which increased steadily. ↞|↠ considerably. It rose from 400 cases and reached ↞ | ↠ reached to more than 650 ones.

By contrast, there was a significant ↞ | ↠ slight decrease in the number of complaints about 'Road Work'. The number of cases declined ↞ | ↠ has declined drastically to almost zero.


Another noteworthy feature relates to the close similarity of complaint cases as to 'Traffic' and 'Household', with traffic complaints being slightly more ↞ | ↠ was slightly more throughout all given years. Both remained constant for final ↞ | ↠ initial years, then dropped slightly before a substantial rise to about 600 and 1200 cases respectively.