Spelling: the criterion is used to assess the ability of candidates to represent every single word in an appropriate group of letters.
With an organized plan, we can achieve our ultimate purpose comfortablly. This word is mistakenly written instead of “comfortably”
In some countries specially This word is mistakenly written instead of “especially” eastern countries, many companies are investing heavily in new technology.
Many use airplane to travel around the word. This word is mistakenly written instead of “world”
Part of speech: the criterion is used to assess the ability of candidates to classify every single word in accordance with its syntactic function.( adjective, adverbs, noun and verbs)
Now the question is whether families are more influenced This word is a verb; adjective of this word is “influential”; this word should be changed or schools.
This is something which people mostly do everyday. This word should be used as an adverb here and not as an adjective; this means it should be written “every day”
What makes this time pleasant is relaxing This word should be used as a noun and that is “relaxation” and not as an adjective which comes from it.
In difficulty, people have to be calm down. This world should be used as an adjective and that is “calm” and not as a verb
Range: the criterion is used to assess the ability of candidates to use a wide scope of vocabulary.
When it comes to the environmental problems, the most serious ones to name are acid rain, overfishing, deforestation, water or air pollution, waste production, and the global warming. All these words are related to the subject under discussion This word is related to the subject under discussion
Use (diction): the criterion is used to assess the ability of candidates to produce a wide scope of vocabularies in the proper way they must be produced.
Marriage is an important issue The right word to be used is “subject” rather than “issue” which has a negative connotation which can change people's life completely.
Since students’ language is friendly, they can simply recognize their explanation and repair The right word to be used is “correct” rather than “fulfil” their mistakes.
Hard work and persistence are the key to achieving triumph The right word to be used is “success” instead of “triumph” in life.
Collocation: the criterion is used to assess the knowledge of candidates about a co-occurrence of lexical items; in other words, which words go together with the words used.
When they do a crime, The verb collocation of crime is “commit” and not “do” they do not see far beyond.
It is better if parent decrease their expectations The verb collocation of expectation is “lower” and not “decrease” for their children’s future.
This permission was made The verb collocation of permission is “give” and not “make” by government.
In the twenty first century, we need to make a good relationship The verb collocation of relationship is “build” and not “make” with other nations to improve our social and economic The adjective collocation of status, which helps reduce it, is “socioeconomic status” status.
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