"For 'cause & solution essays', there are a number of relevant words which can be commonly used. Knowledge of these
useful words not only helps the writer sound more natural but also facilitates the writing process of essay."
Now can you check the following and try to guess
other similar word choices that can be used instead of
highlighted words. You may click on them to see the other alternatives.
Introducing the causes:
Technically, a combination of factors
appear responsible for ...
contribute to
be at the bottom of
chief cause of X seems to be ...
root of the problem
major factor that underlies X
Another major
contributing factor to X, in the equation, is ...
driver of contributory cause of
Introducing the solutions:
However, to cross over this problem, I can propose one or two
practical steps.
corrective measures. remedial action.
effective solution to X could be ...
effective remedy for
commonsense approach to
A more reasonable step would be to/that ...
An alternative cure
A more likely scenario
Talking about results:
In the
short term, it would ensure ...
medium term, long term,
Over time, the
likely consequence(s) of X might be ...
probable outcome(s)
Predictably, ... would be
very likely to occur.
highly probable
almost bound