
"A good timing plan is necessary because of the following reasons:
(i) writing a plan within the initial 2~3 minutes : Not to get half way through the essay and see it either cannot be finished logically or is not answered precisely.
(ii) writing the essay within 34~36 minutes : To present a well-structured and clear paragraphs with correct and meaningful words optimally 260 - 280 .
(iii) Proofreading within the last 2~3 minutes : To check the essay for any grammatical or spelling mistake and a better word choice."

Now to see how this timing plan should be managed, match the following tasks with each part of it.

writing a few brief words (not long sentences) in order to save the time

focusing on spelling, grammar, and punctuation of essay sentence by sentence

thinking up a brief, simple and original way to write the essay

arranging ideas in paragraphs from the strongest to the weakest

avoiding using a same word or type of sentence over and over again

replacing some words with far more suitable words

the initial part of timing plan:

the second part of timing plan:

the final part of timing plan: