"For 'giving opinions essays', there are a number of relevant words which can be commonly used. Knowledge of these
useful words not only helps the writer sound more natural but also facilitates the writing process of essay."
Now can you check the following and try to guess
other similar word choices that can be used instead of
highlighted words. You may click on them to see the other alternatives.
Introducing the first side to debate for evaluation:
The former group
defend their argument by stating that ...
come to the defense of
give grounds for
Those who
support X go on to argue that ...
are in favor of
On one level it is often
claimed that ...
suggested maintained
Introducing the second side to debate for evaluation:
opponents are of the opinion that ...
critics sceptics
Many others, on the other hand,
hold that ...
make a case
But on another level it is generally
believed that ...
Introducing evidence/examples:
clear example of X is ...
typical striking This is clearly
shown by the fact that ...
For example, ...
For instance,
By way of illustration,