

"There are a wide variety of ways by which letters can be written. It can be written in different styles (informal or semi-formal) as well. In this lesson, one conventional method has helpfully been suggested."

Here is a model response as for the practice topic given.

  Dear Mr. Sisley:

  I, Peter Cooper who missed our meeting last appointment, am writing this letter to offer my sincere apology for being unable to attend my scheduled job meeting on time. I fully appreciate that this is not remotely acceptable to you.

  As a matter of fact, yesterday at the time we had this business appointment, my car broke down. I attempted to get a message to you; however, I needed to immediately deal with towing and subsequent repairs. I believe that our meeting could be very important to me. As we discussed previously, the work your company is involved in interests me tremendously. Having been able to learn new tasks and excel in handling multiple projects quite satisfactorily, I think I can be an active member of your organization. I have an excellent record of managing projects so that they are completed correctly, on time and within budget. I am also proficient in several essential design and project-related software programs.

  At the moment, to compensate for my missing this important session, I would very much like to request a rescheduling of another appointment that is highly convenient for you. If it is kindly granted, I, will certainly contact your office within the week for rearranging it.

  Once again, I regret any inconvenience caused.


Peter Cooper

PS Please find enclosed my proposal again with my compliments.