P. 2


                       TASK II
                       Advantages & Disadvantages

                    ✓   Introduction
                           ❖  Question
                               The subject matter/topic/question of X is fairly … and equally … one, with a
                               number of merits and demerits I will weigh up in this essay.
                               There are several appealing and disturbing aspects to X
                    ✓   Body Paragraph #1
                           ❖  Topic Sentence (plus points)
                               On the one hand, X offers several lasting benefits.
                               There is an interesting line of reasoning in favor of X
                               On the one hand, X can provide several advantages.
                           ❖  Advantage #1
                               One of its virtue is that …
                               One distinct advantage/major benefit/great merit of X is …
                           ❖  Other advantages
                               Another plus point relates to …
                               An additional/A further benefit would be …
                    ✓   Body Paragraph #2
                           ❖  Topic Sentence (minus points)
                               On the downside, there are certain disturbing aspects associated with X
                               On the other hand, there is another dark side to this matter/question.
                           ❖  Disadvantage #1
                               The most manifest disadvantage/serious drawback/most disappointing aspect of
                               X would be
                               The downside of X is …
                           ❖  Other advantages
                               A more serious drawback can be …
                               On top of these, /Moreover,  one more minus point concerns …
                        ✓   Conclusion
                               ❖  Summary
                                  In sum, / In short, / In brief, …
                                  In sum, although X brings about (+), it can inarguably result in (-)
                               ❖  Direct Answer
                                  On balance, it would seem that positive points more than compensate for /
                                  are more or less level with / are somewhat offset by negative ones.
                                  All in all, it would seem that the disadvantages f X tip the balance against

                      “To achieve greater unity (organization) in writing, it is good practice to divide plus and
                       minus points in two separate paragraphs. Also remember not to include your personal
                                                opinion unless you are asked to.”
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