P. 5

Giving Opinion/Discussion

                    ✓   Introduction
                           ❖  Question
                               The subject matter of X has recently been open to/a matter for/the subject of
                               debate, with some asserting that …. While others go on to argue that ….
                               Although both lines of argument are somewhat justifiable, I think otherwise/tend to
                               think differently/hold a different belief.
                    ✓   Body Paragraph of 1  side to debate:
                           ❖  Giving reason:
                               The former group defend/come to defense of their argument by stating that …
                               Those who support/advocate/are in favor of X argue that …
                               On one level it is claimed/suggested/maintained that …
                           ❖  Giving example or evidence:
                               This is clearly shown by …
                               For example, / By way of illustration, ….
                           ❖  Flaw or Drawback:
                               However, it should not be overlooked that …
                    ✓   Body Paragraph of 2  side to debate:
                           ❖  Giving Reason
                               Nevertheless, opponents/sceptics/critics make a case that ….
                               Many others, on the other hand, hold/claim that ….
                               But on another level, it is generally believed/felt/argued that ….
                           ❖  Giving example or evidence:
                               One clear/striking/typical example of X is …
                               For example, / By way of illustration, ….
                           ❖  Flaw or Drawback:
                               But then again, / But even so, / Nevertheless, …
                    ✓   Body Paragraph of Writer’s view:
                           ❖  Introducing idea:
                               However, I firmly believe/am firmly convinced/definitely feel that …
                               Personally, it is my firm belief / main contention / main conviction that …
                               To my way of thinking, …
                               Looked at from X(adjective) viewpoint, ….
                           ❖  Giving reasons:
                               The justification/argument/primary reason for my opinion is that ….
                           ❖ Giving example or evidence:
                               , especially/particularly/not least …(noun)...
                        ✓   Conclusion
                               ❖  Summary
                                  In sum, although X can…, it, if viewed contrarily, will …
                               ❖  Direct Answer
                                  Having said that, / Be that as it may, / With that in mind, it would seem that …

                      “If short of interesting ideas or convincing reasons, you may simply refer to DISCUSSION
                       CLOCK, which helps you examine a topic from various perspectives. These angles can
                        include psychological, technological, artistic, economic. Social, educational, moral,
                                                 health, historical, and personal.”
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