P. 4

Cause & Solution

                    ✓   Introduction
                           ❖  Question
                               Recently, the subject matter of X has become not only … but also …, with a
                               number of causative factors which I will briefly explore before suggesting some
                               solutions in this essay.
                               This essay will briefly explore/illustrate/outline the causative factors of X before
                               suggesting some solutions.
                    ✓   Body Paragraph of Causes:
                           ❖  Topic Sentence:
                               Technically, a combination of factors may contribute to/appear responsible for /
                               be at the bottom of X
                           ❖  Introducing the first cause:
                               The chief cause of/major factor that underlies/main culprit in X is …
                           ❖  Introducing other causes:
                               Another major contributing factor to X is …
                               Another driver/contributory cause of X is …
                               Even X can give rise to/lead to/result in …
                               X is partly as a result of/as a consequence of/due to …
                    ✓   Body Paragraph of Solution (weak):
                           ❖  Topic Sentence
                               However, to cross this problem/resolve this issue/address this question, I can
                               propose one or two practical steps/corrective measures.
                           ❖  First solution:
                               One effective solution/commonsense approach/satisfactory resolution is …
                           ❖  Mechanism:
                               This can be achieved/implemented/practiced/accomplished by …
                           ❖  Positive outcome:
                               In short-/mid-/long- term, it would to some extent ensure …
                           ❖  Flaw or Drawback:
                               However, it should not be overlooked that …
                    ✓   Body Paragraph of Solution (strong):
                           ❖  Other solutions:
                               A more reasonable step, to take, is …
                               An alternative way/ A more likely scenario is …
                           ❖  Mechanism:
                               This can be achieved/implemented/practiced/accomplished by …
                           ❖  Positive outcome:
                               Over time, the likely consequence/probable outcome of X might be …
                               Predictably, … would be very likely/bound to occur.
                        ✓   Conclusion
                               ❖  Summary
                                  In sum, although X can stem from … as well as …, it can be somewhat
                                  averted/avoided if …., or ideally/alternatively ….

                        “This type of question can often come as the Problem & Solution as well. This means
                        that instead of talking about causes of the problem, the writer needs to write about
                       other side problems which may also arise from the problem mentioned in the topic.”
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